A Model for Growth
Social and sustainable change is possible when preparation and opportunity meet.
When we remove old limits from our thinking we can see new opportunities and when we commit to solution driven action we can see the results we only dreamed could be possible.
Community Hub
It is not about visiting a community hub that impacts your life, it is about being a part of creating one. The intention behind Project Building Brockville is to create the future experience of a community hub. That future will have direct and measurable impact on people’s sense of confident, joy, and connection with their community. Our goal is to establish a centre of excellence in Brockville, to empower smaller communities around the world. Our plan not only consists of how to manage some of the urgent community needs now, but to support new models of addressing poverty, segregation of all sorts, intergenerational harmony, celebrating cultural learnings, and economic development. We will do this through innovative partnerships with civic organizations, within a creative, useful, and highly entertainment environment for all ages!
Change that Matters
Our community matters and together we can cause the change needed to cultivate new relationships, discover a sense of empowerment and build a stronger neighborhood.